I Was Wrong

The best way to read this eBook is on a tablet-style device, i.e. your iPad, iPhone, Kindle, Nook or Android. That’s what we designed it for.

If you want to read this on your iPad in iBooks, your best bet is to visit this page using Safari on your iPad and click the following link:


Please note that if you don’t yet have the iBooks app installed on your iPad, you’ll need to do that here.

For other devices, click on the following links to download the eBook file to your computer and then follow the instructions below:

ePub (Nook, Android)
Mobi (Kindle)

If you want to read this as a PDF on your laptop or desktop computer (PC/Mac), click on the link below:


Here are the more formal instructions on how to add this eBook to your tablet/device:

iPad or iPhone:

Easiest method: Visit this page from your device and click the ePub link seen above. A new link will appear that says “Open in ‘iBooks.'” Click that link and the book should automatically download to iBooks.

Alternate method: Download the ePub file to your computer. Open iTunes. From the “File” menu at the top of the screen, select “Add to Library” and then select the ePub file you just downloaded. Or you can drag the ePub file to the iBooks library on your computer. To read the book, simply sync your device with your iTunes library.


Download the Mobi eBook file to your computer. Attach your Kindle to your computer via its USB cable. It should appear on your computer as a drive. Navigate to the “Documents” folder on that drive. Copy the Mobi file to this folder. Once the transfer is complete, eject/disconnect your Kindle and you should be all set.


Download the ePub eBook file to your computer. Attach your Nook to your computer via its USB cable. It should appear on your computer as a drive. Navigate to the “My Documents” folder on that drive. Copy the ePub file,  to this folder. Once the transfer is complete, eject/disconnect your Nook and you should be all set.


Because there are many different apps for reading eBooks on Android devices, please consult the support pages listed below to determine how to add our eBook file:

Google Play
Nook (App)

For the Kindle App for Android, please copy our .mobi file into the Kindle directory located on your device’s internal storage.

If your device is not listed, or you have problems with any of the instructions above, please contact us.