The Disgrace That Is The New York Post, Ctd

Shafer takes the tabloid to task for a week of terrible reporting:

Although Murdoch ran Murdochian tabloids in Chicago, San Antonio and Boston in addition to New front041813York, his fun-over-facts formula has never really taken root in America, causing his U.S. tabloid portfolio to wither to just the Post long ago. And it’s not like the Post has taken root in New York. It has survived for decades on Murdoch subsidies, which the New York Times recently put at an estimated $110 million a year.

Curiously, the Post’s extreme, almost defiant inaccuracy has united America’s armchair media critics like little else. It can hardly be denied that the racy Post has pointed the way for decades toward an info-entertainment hybrid that many have followed. This week, at least, in its stunning contempt for fact, it has defined the basement into which no media outlet that wants respect wishes to descend.

Reddit has apologized for its errors. When will the Post?