Quote For The Day II

“There are all kinds of ways to argue about what the original gay rights movement was about. But if you look at it collectively from the buttoned-up Mattachine Society to the hippie drag queen kids who threw bottles at Stonewall and you put them all together I think they could all come to the conclusion that, yeah, marriage should be an option for us because what’s at the core of this?   “Oh, my full citizenship,” some would answer.  Yes, there’s that. But what is at the even deeper core?  “My romantic heart,” is my answer.  It’s all about who you love.  At its core, the gay rights movement is the most romantic revolution of all time,” – David Drake, whose 1993 play, “The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me” is being revived for a one-night charity event for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and the Sero Project next Monday night.

(Full Disclosure: Aaron’s in it.)