“Why Would Larry Need A Script?”

The AIDS activist and author of The Normal Heart and Faggots, Larry Kramer, got married two days ago. In an ICU. No formal vows of course, as the quote above explains.

Many inferred from Kramer’s ACT-UP advocacy that he was deeply anti-establishment in all things. And he is in many. But from his first searing novelistic indictment of gay culture in the 1970s through his disgust at gay sexual adventurism in the early AIDS years, he has always longed for marriage equality. There’s a line in the 1985 play, The Normal Heart, which actually wonders if there would have been a plague if gays had been allowed to get married a while back. So there’s a poignant circle here – as well as what can only be described as true love.

Mazel Tov, Larry. And if that isn’t the appropriate greeting for Larry, fuck you too.