A Serious Alternative To Obamacare

Douthat is hoping for one:

[T]he first moment when a Republican Congress might actually be able to pass a health care overhaul won’t arrive until February of 2017, at which point Obamacare will have been the baseline for two years — the new taxes, the subsidies, the mandates, the higher premiums, the Medicare cuts, the Medicaid expansion, all of it. And at that point, the plausible right-of-center alternatives to Obamacare will no longer look risky and disruptive relative to the status quo, because that status quo will no longer be one that Republican interests and voters are deeply invested in defending. Instead, those interests and voters will be looking for ways to limit the health care law’s impact, and the conservative alternatives will look more like what they actually are — proposals that spend less, regulate less, and reflect a greater confidence in markets than the president’s new law, and that would change the underlying health care system in ways that a sensible G.O.P. should support.

Barro pushes back:

How long are we supposed to wait while Republicans jerk us around on health policy in the vain hope that, some day, they’ll stop being full of crap? How many decades do you have to spend being completely insincere on a policy issue before people stop taking you seriously when you talk about it?