Yglesias Award Nominee

“It is true that, according to Real Clear Politics, Americans disapprove of ObamaCare, 51 percent to 40 percent. It is unpopular. But it is not wildly, devastatingly unpopular — though given the fact that it is now rolling out and appears to be as incompetently executed as it was badly conceived, it may yet become so.

If ObamaCare had been as unpopular as conservatives believed, their plan for the shutdown — that there would be a public uprising to force Democratic senators in close races in 2014 to defund it — would’ve worked. It didn’t. Not a single senator budged. Their tactic failed, and now what they are left with is House Speaker John Boehner basically begging the president of the United States to negotiate with him,” – JPod.

It’s been interesting to me to see gung-ho New York Republican stalwarts like Pete King and John Podhoretz lead the charge against the Randian Cruzniks. These are not usually faint-hearted types. My sense is that they are motivated mostly by national security issues, crime, Islamism, and similar neoconnish hot-buttons. And they are getting a feeling that the libertarian surge that is now intertwined with the Tea Party and Christianist take-over of the GOP is not their natural ally. But there are precious few Republicans behind them.