Stay Classy, Erick

As the GOP begins to realize that destroying the American and the global economy to save millions of people from getting health insurance may not be quite the slam-dunk that Romney’s electoral triumph was going to be, the true believers keep digging in. Erickson wants secession – not from the union (that’s so last Friday), but from the confederacy:

I’m being told by several sources that Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor are plotting to give up trying to either defund or delay Obamacare… John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, and John Cornyn will ensure that Obamacare is fully funded and give the American public no delay like businesses have.

In doing so, they will sow the seeds of a real third party movement that will fully divide the Republican Party.

Oh don’t tease us, Erick.