The Best Of The Dish Today

First off: a new indictment of FDR and advice for the negotiations with Iran: just drop a nuclear bomb in the Iranian desert, then say: “See! The next one is in the middle of Tehran…”  I give you Sheldon Adelson, ladies and gentlemen, one of the most powerful donors in the Republican party:

Five faves from today: Orwell on P.G. Wodehouse; the prescience of Paul Krugman; the decline and fall of Christianism; the eternal sunshine of the cloud mind; and the always fascinating sex lives of the Japanese.

We continued our examination of what the hell went wrong with the ACA website: can a tech surge save it? Probably not. Will a death spiral ensue? Probably not either.

Then there was one of my favorite legal quotes ever.

The most popular post of the day? Paul Krugman’s prediction about the Internet in 1998. Second up was: Just How Badly Did The GOP Lose The Shutdown?

As of this post, we have 99.9K Twitter followers.

Make it 100K by the morning.