The Best Of The Dish Today

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We kept burrowing into the details of the Affordable Care Act.

Is it Obama’s domestic version of the Iraq War? Nah. Are we hyping the transition difficulties too much? Probably, when you take a longer view of what the reform really means. Joe Klein demanded that some heads roll. Who exactly are the losers and winners? David Frum, it turns out, is a loser. Does Obamacare cover too much? How many people will have their policies cancelled and replaced by new ones? It’s an empirical battle between Romneycare architect, Jonathan Gruber, and Avik Roy, longtime foe of the ACA. I guess in due course we will all find out.

If all that weren’t scary enough, we added some photographs of ghosts, intelligent French zombies, and a sureally beautiful skeleton on a skateboard.

Three words: Edgar Allen Ho.

The two most popular posts of the day? “Spy vs Spy” and “A Little Perspective” on Obamacare’s excruciating teething problems.

See you later on AC360 Later and in the morning.