The Best Of The Dish Today

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The president tonight did exactly the right thing. He should have done it sooner. But he did it – and it matters. He’s right to remind us how chaotic and disruptive the market was before the ACA, and right to offer a personal apology for the political obfuscation he repeated far too long. His credibility matters. He made up some ground tonight – in his usual unflappable way.

I argued today that in the long run, the current website fiasco may seem as minor in the backview mirror as it was with the Medicare D rollout. The ACA may work in the long run – both substantively and politically.

Four faves: joy in the face of a mastectomy; an argument against saying “I would argue …”; serious corporate event hathos; and dogs with balloons.

Two outrages: a drug war over-reach so grotesque it reached an innocent man’s upper colon; and a follow-up to our continuing coverage of the hideous torture of farm animals in industrial factory farming.

One essay: on the moral case for marijuana legalization.

The most popular post of the day was “Pope Francis As Saint Francis.”

More thanks for the surge in subscriptions and revenue to get us to make our annual $900K target. As I write this, we’re at $802K with two months to go. For all of you still on the fence, just ask yourselves if what we offer every day is worth $1.99 a month or $19.99 a year to you. If it is, help us out and subscribe. And make the house ads – and these posts asking for subs – go away. Or if you’ve already subscribed, you can give the gift of the Dish to someone you care about.

Thanks again, and see you in the morning. One more update from a new subscriber:

Multiple times a day reader since 2003, so I figured after 10 years it’s finally time to fork over a 20 spot. Keep up the good work, Andrew and company; you’re fighting the good fight and ensuring those within your ecosystem are aware of what’s important, daily.