The Best Of The Dish Today

Spring Weather Brings Life To Coney Island

Well it’s good to know, I guess, that the Clintons still have a talent for driving right-wingers completely nuts. (And, yes, I consider myself in partial recovery from Clinton Derangement Syndrome, but it’s one day at a time. And the dynasty – Chelsea is ready! – isn’t running yet. So give me time.)

I’m also discovering that reading our Book Club selection – How Jesus Became God – may not be the most spiritually sustaining text for Holy Week, but it sure is riveting. If you’re a non-believer and thought this book would be a Christian apologetic, well, you need to read it. Buy it through this link to join the club and help support the Dish with a little affiliate revenue. We have more than a week to complete it before we start the discussion. So there’s plenty of time to jump in.

Then another meep-meeplet as the ACA’s total cost got shrunk by the CBO today. I had my first doctor’s visit on Obamacare today – scheduling a colonoscopy. Probably not the best way to greet universal healthcare, but I’m probably more able to take it than most.

The most popular post of the day was one on buttsex. We should have seen that one coming. Next up: the tumblr devoted to pooping on blue-bonnets. Congrats, Dishheads. You’re as depraved as we are.

16 more of you subscribed today. Thanks for your support. And see you in the morning.

(Photo: Early beach goers lay on the sand at Coney Island on April 12, 2014 in New York City. After one of the harshest winters in years, New Yorkers are enjoying the Spring with plenty of sun and temperatures in the high 60s. By Spencer Platt/Getty Images.)