The Best Of The Dish Today


No word back from  WAM on whether they were the ones behind the suspension of a journalist from Twitter for disagreeing with them. But good to know that Gawker believes that journalists who sail close to the wind need to be silenced if possible. Name-calling is something they absolutely never do.

As always on some of these fraught gender questions, Dish readers find the nuances. Our discussion thread on masculinity that does not denigrate women is a hugely interesting one. Today’s post includes this reader:

As a millennial, straight, white, male, feminist, gamer, I think I’d have a good case for being able to make some claims about masculinity. But what really gives me some credibility here is that I used to be the angry, homophobic, misogynistic young man. Over the past decade, I’ve had my mind changed on damn near everything that I once believed. I’ve also come to accept that being masculine doesn’t have one definition.

Puts the entire #gamergate fooferaw in some context. Meanwhile, another reader flags a small but important story:

On November 6, 2014, a Florida court decided that a healthy four year old boy will undergo an unnecessary, risky surgery at the insistence of his father. The boy’s name is Chase and his 81ab41d2-55e1-4ff3-b2b9-008437e51489_profilemother is fighting a battle to save him.

According to court records, in December 2011, Heather Hironimus signed a parenting agreement which gave Chase’s father, Dennis Nebus, permission to have their (then) baby boy circumcised. Three years later, Chase is still intact, happy and healthy …

Genital autonomy advocates believe Chase’s physical and mental health are at risk. He is aware of his body and does not want to have surgery on his genitals. Forcing a child to undergo cosmetic surgery is a violation of basic human rights and medical ethics. This is an unprecedented case worthy of international media attention.

The purpose of this fundraiser is to draw attention to Chase’s case and to provide a safe place for concerned citizens to contribute financially for the appeal. Heather has been (illegally) prohibited from fundraising for her appeal, so we are doing it for her, without her participation.

You can donate here.

Today, we covered our usual diversity of topics: Taylor Swift’s decision to opt out of Spotify (dumb); Obama’s decision to back net neutrality (dead-on); John Roberts’ choice on Obamacare again at SCOTUS (a toughie); and Flannery O’Connor’s view of Ayn Rand (hilarious). Plus: Putin’s collapsing economy (which might be bad news for European security); and a totes adorbs drumming toddler.

The most popular post of the day – by a mile – was The SJWs Now Get To Police Speech On Twitter; followed by Where The Logic Of “Hate Crimes” Leads.

Many of today’s posts were updated with your emails – read them all here.  You can always leave your unfiltered comments at our Facebook page and @sullydish. 22 more readers became subscribers today. You can join them here – and get access to all the readons and Deep Dish – for a little as $1.99 month. Gift subscriptions are available here. Dish t-shirts are for sale here.

See you in the morning.

(Photo: A US Navy veteran salutes during the Veterans Day Parade in New York on November 11, 2014. By Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images.)