The Best Of The Dish Today

by Chris Bodenner

We missed a BOTDT last night because of a Dish holiday reunion with current and former staffers at Arts and Crafts Beer Parlor, near where we hold staff meetings. Before the drunken revelry, we snapped a rare photo of the whole staff together (except Alice, who joined us at the bar):


Update from a reader:

Love the staff photo. Can you please let us know who’s who? It’s nice to put a face to the name that we see all too rarely. Thanks for all your work and contributing so much to so many.

Left to right, that’s Phoebe (Dishtern), Jonah (international editor), Matt (literary editor), “some clapped out old bear“, me (editor, in charge of email), Patrick (editor, in charge of RSS), Jessie (editor, in charge of weekend), Chas (managing editor, aka Special Teams), and Tracy (associate editor, Jill of all trades). At the bar were former interns Brendan, Doug, Gwynn, Katie, and general manager Brian.

Andrew, now officially the most frequent guest on the Colbert Report, is attending the series finale tonight, so be sure to tune in. For a dose of nostalgia, check out Andrew’s first appearance on the show back in 2006. And for an even bigger dose, don’t miss this new supercut of Colbert over the years.

The most popular posts today were Will’s “On The Right Not To Be “Triggered” and “Obama Just Ruined Cuba!” His followup to that Cuba post is here. Will also responded to a dissenting reader over his semi-defense of dynasty, spied on the “Elf on the Shelf” Christmas trend, and absorbed the American public’s acceptance of torture.

Michelle, meanwhile, confronted in two parts the caving of Sony Pictures to the terrorist threat over The Interview. She also discussed the discussion of rape, touched on the cycle of outrage stoked by Twitter, took before and after looks at the end of the Serial podcast, and penned an appreciation for Penelope Fitzgerald.

Phoebe also chipped in with her thoughts on white privilege. Don’t miss this epic MHB of Germans playing head-pong, and be sure to contribute to our new Losing Your Faith In Santa reader thread, which is a much lighter counterpart to our popular and continued thread on rape.

We’ve updated many recent posts with your emails – read them all here. You can always leave your unfiltered comments at our Facebook page and @dishfeed. 17 more readers became subscribers today. You can join them here – and get access to all the readons and Deep Dish – for a little as $1.99 month. Gift subscriptions are available here (you purchase one today and have it auto-delivered on Christmas Day). Dish t-shirts are for sale here and our new mugs here.

See you in the morning.