The Red Prada Shoe Drops? Ctd

Dreher expects the La Repubblica report—describing a group of gay prelates blackmailed from outside criminal elements—is onto something. Charles P. Pierce derides Dreher’s term, “Lavender Mafia,” and is skeptical of the rumors: What gives me a little pause is that the “secret gay cabal” theory is an old favorite among those curial powerbrokers for whom … Continue reading The Red Prada Shoe Drops? Ctd

Anderson Cooper: “The Fact Is, I’m Gay.”

Last week, Entertainment Weekly ran a story on an emerging trend: gay people in public life who come out in a much more restrained and matter-of-fact way than in the past. In many ways, it’s a great development: we’re evolved enough not to be gob-smacked when we find out someone’s gay. But it does matter … Continue reading Anderson Cooper: “The Fact Is, I’m Gay.”

Spitzer Recants; Cameron Comes Out

Good headline, huh? But I’m not talking about Eliot or David, but Robert and Paul. They both have had a major impact on the discussion of homosexuality. Spitzer is an extraordinarily accomplished psychiatrist with an ornery streak. He published a study lending some legitimacy to reparative “cure” therapy for homosexuals, depending on their own self-descriptions. … Continue reading Spitzer Recants; Cameron Comes Out

The Silence Of The Bishops

A reader writes: Reading your post about Thiessen, complete with the statement from the conference of Catholic bishops, makes me wonder about something. Patrick Kennedy was barred from communion for thinking abortion ought to remain legal. St. Louis Archbishop Burke forbade John Kerry from taking communion while campaigning in the area in 2004. During the … Continue reading The Silence Of The Bishops

Fundamentalism and Culture

I should say up-front that I’ve learned a lot from reading Ross’s and Larison’s challenges to my alleged connection between disorienting economic and social change and the rise of religious fundamentalism. I also learned a lot from the latest Teixeira/Abramowitz study on the working poor and the Democrats. I think the evidence does indeed complicate my previous inferences and connections. What have I gotten wrong? Fundamentalism obviously appeals to the wealthy as well as the poor; it may even, in certain circumstances, appeal more to the wealthy than the poor (I haven’t denied that, but my emphasis has obscured it). And it has done very well in prosperous suburbia and among more educated white voters. The question is whether a sense of economic and cultural alienation has fueled fundamentalism as well. I still think it does, but less powerfully than I did before. On abortion, for example, Teixeira notes the GOP has had more success in appealing to upper-middle class whites than to working class ones. That’s an important insight. But it remains true nonetheless, as Teixeira also notes, that the working class white vote is still more pro-life than the middle class white vote (43 percent to 33 percent).