
If you are having trouble signing in to the Dish, or trouble staying signed in, here are some likely solutions:

Username/Password Problems:

If you have forgotten your password, please go here to reset it.
If you have forgotten your username, it’s most likely the email address you subscribed with. If you still need help figuring it out, please email us.

Cookie Settings In Your Internet Browser:

The most frequent reason that subscribers have trouble signing in or staying signed in is not having cookies enabled in their Internet browser for the Dish and our partner, TinyPass. To do that, find your browser below and follow the instructions. If you have any problems with this process, feel free to email us.

(Mac or Windows):

1) In Chrome, make sure the only window/tab open is this one
2) Click on the menu icon to the far right of the toolbar; it looks like this: chrome-menu-icon
3) From the drop-down menu, select “Settings”
4) Scroll to the bottom of the resulting screen and click “Show advanced settings”
5) In the “Privacy” section, click “Content settings…”
6) In the “Cookies” section, click “Manage exceptions…”
7) In the resulting window, add the following exceptions, one by one, by typing them into the blank field and clicking the “Allow” button after entering each one:

8) Click “Done” and exit out of Chrome’s setting menu.
9) You should now be able to sign in to the Dish and remain signed in.

(Mac or Windows):

1) In Firefox, from the Firefox menu, select “Preferences”
2) Select the “Privacy” tab
3) Under the “History” section, select “Use custom settings for history” from the first drop-down menu
4) Click the “Exceptions” button
5) In the “Address of website” field, enter the following exceptions one by one, clicking the “Allow” button after entering each one:

6) Make sure cookies are kept until they expire by selecting “they expire” from the drop-down menu to the right of “Keep until:”
7) Also, if “Clear history when Firefox closes” is checked, uncheck it
8) You should now be able to sign in to the Dish and remain signed in.


1) In Safari, make sure the only window/tab open is this one
2) In the Safari menu in the upper left corner of the screen, select “Preferences”
3) Click the “Privacy” tab
4) Change the setting for “Block cookies” from “Always” or “From third parties and advertisers” to “Never”
5) Return to your open Safari window/tab and refresh the Dish
6) Click the red SUBSCRIBE button in the upper-right corner
7) Click the “Sign In” button
8) Enter your username and password
9) After you have successfully signed in, click “Close Window”
10) You should now be signed into the Dish. The button in the upper-right corner of the screen should now be blue and say “SUBSCRIBER” and none of our house ads should be visible.
11) Reopen Safari > Preferences > Privacy from steps 1-3
12) If you wish, change your privacy setting back to either “Always” or “From third parties and advertisers”
13) Close the Preferences window and you should be all set.

Please note that if at any point you “Reset Safari” and clear your cookies, you will need to repeat these steps.

Safari for iOS
(iPhone and iPad):

1) Close all your open windows/tabs in iOS Safari
2) Go to your device’s home screen and select Settings
3) Select Safari
4) Set “Accept Cookies” to “Always”
5) Reopen Safari and go to
6) Sign in by clicking the red “SUBSCRIBE” button
7) Click the “Sign In” button and enter your username and password
8) After you have signed in to the Dish, go back to your device’s home screen and once again select Settings > Safari
9) For the entry “Accept Cookies” – set it to either “Never” or “From visited” (whichever you prefer)
10) You should now be able to sign in and remain signed in to the Dish

Please note that if at any point you “Clear Cookies and Data” or “Remove All Website Data” from Safari in iOS, you will need to repeat these steps.

Internet Explorer:

1) Open Internet Explorer, and make sure you have no open windows/tabs other than the Dish
2) Click the “Tools” button, and then click “Internet options”
3) Click the “Privacy” tab, and then move the slider to a position between the top and bottom so you’re not blocking or allowing all cookies.
4) Click “Sites”
5) In the “Address of website” box, type in the following domains, clicking “Allow” for each one:

When you’re finished, click OK.

6) Move the slider back to the position it was originally in and click OK
7) Return to the Dish; you should now be able to sign in and stay signed in.

If your browser is not listed, or you have any additional questions, please email us.