Christmas Hathos Alert

A reader invites us to “celebrate our Lord’s Birth with these assholes, who set a new standard for Hathos”:

Another sees red:

This absolutely awful Christmas “card” has been making the rounds.  Many people think it’s funny and cute, and they’re more interested in the physical attributes of the wife and husband.  But at the end of the day, it’s a freaking plug for their new business. Absolutely awful.

Update from a few readers defending the couple:

Wow, some of your readers are real tight asses.

My wife and I watched this and thought it was hilarious and we didn’t give a shit that they plugged their business. One observation I would offer to many of your readers is that it’s easy to find fault in things on the Internet and to criticize. Try just sitting back and enjoying something without trying to pick it apart or make ad hominem attacks about people none of us know personally. I realize that it’s hard to keep quiet, especially when we have the ability to express ourselves in so many different ways. But I think we all (and I’m including myself in this) need to try to be a little more patient, a little more accepting, and a little more tolerant, especially during this time of year.

Another adds:

As a resident of the Research Triangle, I think you are being a little hard on the Holdernesses (Holderni?).  First off, on a technical note, the video admits it is a shameless plug – I thought being self aware disqualified one from hathos? Second, Penn is one of the few bearable local anchors to watch in Raleigh-Durham.  He is a little hipper and edgier than the standard local news schlock, and he wears his stations perennially low rankings with a degree of resignation and panache.  I don’t know that this disqualifies one from a hathos tag, but jeez, some context may help. (Also contextual is the huge HUGE deal that having a movie filmed in RDU was for the area. I think someone who lived it could be forgiven for blowing it out of context).

See all of our Christmas Hathos from years past here.