Oh, All Right Then


A reader writes:

OK Andrew…it’s called the Dish…either dish on the state dinner or tell us you are not going to…

I try to keep social occasions off the blog since so much of my life is an open book. But it was a really magical evening. I'm a proud Tory and a proud American (almost a citizen) and to see my political party bond so effortlessly with a president I endorsed and admire was enormously gratifying. It made me feel saner, amid today's Republican madness.


I bumped into many people – we were next to John Legend and his fiancee and the British ambassador and his wife at dinner – and did have a brief and warm chat with the president. I think such things should remain confidential, but you should know that there's a Dish-reader in the Oval Office, and "not just the political stuff." So don't feel too guilty about our regular dips into pop-culture, high and low. POTUS gets the mix.

There were several openly gay couples present, which is change you really can believe in, and we entered with the future HRC head, Chad Griffin and his boyfriend. I also didn't realize the impact that the Newsweek Obama cover-story had on Obama donors and staffers until last night. So many people mentioned it. Oh, and George Clooney came up to say hi. Not since Jon Hamm came out as a Dish reader at the White House Correspondents' Dinner did such a shiver go up my leg.

The tent in the garden was gorgeous, as you can see above. And particularly poignant for Aaron and me: it was designed and produced by Bryan Rafanelli, who planned our own wedding. Good times. And a bit of a hangover.