Ask Rob Thomas Anything: The Miracle Of Good TV

Yesterday, showrunner Rob shared his thoughts on fans becoming investors in movie projects like Veronica Mars. In today’s video, he explains how difficult it is to even get a show on the air, let alone one worth being proud of:

In a followup, he notes how the hardest part of running a TV show is the sheer number of decisions, large and small, that need to be made on any given day:

Rob Thomas is an American producer, director and screenwriter, best known for the critically-acclaimed TV series Veronica Mars and Party Down. One year ago this week, he launched one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns of all time in support of a Mars movie. (Our discussion thread of the innovative, Dish-like project is here.) The movie is coming out in theatrical release and video-on-demand this Friday.

(Ask Anything Archive)