Ask Shane Bauer Anything: Iran’s Other Inmates

In the latest video from Shane, he discusses some of the prisoners, including a member of al-Qaeda, he came to know while behind bars in Iran’s notorious Evin Prison:

In a followup, he offers his take on the meaning of Rouhani’s election last year:

Shane Bauer is an investigative journalist and photographer who was one of the three American hikers imprisoned in Iran after being captured on the Iraqi border in 2009. He was held for 26 months, four of them in solitary confinement. He subsequently wrote a special report for Mother Jones about solitary confinement in America, and is also currently running a Kickstarter-like campaign to enable him to spend a full year investigating America’s prison system. Shane and his fellow former hostages, Sarah Shourd (now his wife) and Josh Fattal, have co-written the memoir A Sliver of Light based on their experiences. Except here. Shane’s previous videos are here.
