Milk Doesn’t Necessarily Do A Body Good

Aaron Carroll challenges the conventional wisdom:

In another dietary diatribe, Baylen Linnekin criticizes the government’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee:

The DGAC is actively dreaming up ways for the government to meddle in your diet. A look through the transcript of last week’s hearing reveals the word “policy” (or “policies”) appears 42 times. The word “tax” appears three times. And the word “regulation” appears 13 times. The words “meat,” “salt,” “soda,” “sugar,” and “trans fats” came up countless times in the context of things you really should be eating less frequently. One of the most nefarious things I’ve seen about the DGAC recommendations so far is the suggestion that the government involve itself in the lives of obese people by sending them regular text messages. (I’ve dubbed this this the DGAC’s “Chubby Checkers” program.)