The Best Of The Dish Today

Today, I compared the current mid-terms to a “primal moan“. A reader differs:

I see it as a long belch prompted by indigestion, with a bile finish. And it will only get worse with the prospect of Hillary vs. the GOP nut jobs looming on the horizon. I’m 49 years old and I’ve always been highly engaged politically, but I am perilously close to saying “fuck it” and not paying attention anymore. I will always vote but I feel my energy is better spent elsewhere.

I feel his pain and blog through it every day.

Meanwhile, the “catcalling” video remained a Rorschach test for Dish readers; as did the question of “sexual assault” while both parties are drunk. In another fascinating round of responses to our book club discussion of Waking Up, Sam Harris’ scientific Buddhism got knocked around a bit today by actual Buddhists. I rather enjoyed the spectacle. Oh, and this helps.

The most popular post of the day was Catching Catcalls On Camera; followed by A Declaration of War On Francis.

Many of today’s posts were updated with your emails – read them all here.  You can always leave your unfiltered comments at our Facebook page and @sullydish. 22 more readers became subscribers today. You can join them here – and get access to all the readons and Deep Dish – for a little as $1.99 month. Gift subscriptions are available here. Dish t-shirts are for sale here, including the new “Know Dope” shirts, which are detailed here.

See you in the morning.