Plusses And Minuses

by Dish Staff

Tyler McCall blames plus-size women for the lack of plus-size options:

[W]hat if the problem with the plus-size industry isn’t with faceless businessmen, but with the customers themselves? “It’s become such an angry section of fashion,” one plus-size blogger, who wishes to remain anonymous, explains. “Everyone has an opinion, and it’s such a negative, negative environment, and it sounds sad, but they want to tear each other apart. Models get it all the time, brands especially. They’ll say, ‘Oh we can’t use that model again because they say that she’s too skinny.'”

McCall – whose piece comes with a provocative “Hold all comments until the end, please” subtitle – points to a range of reasons customers may be limiting their own options:

There is of course a body politic that goes into shopping for women. Everyone I spoke with agreed that women who are told that their body shape should be considered temporary, always in need of a new diet or weight loss plan, aren’t exactly going to plunk down $300 for a dress that, ideally, won’t fit them in a month. “There are so many women who don’t self identify as plus-size, and maybe they just settle for drawstring or elastic waisted pants because they don’t necessarily want to know that they’re a size 16 or an 18,” Mason says.